The computer game Warzone 2100 was originally published by Eidos Interactive, but was originally developed by Pumpkin Studios. The game has been open source for a number of years. Although it was first created by a company called Eidos, it is now available as a free download for the general public. It is one of the most popular hybrid games and is becoming increasingly popular because it's so fun to play. The first two titles were developed by the same company, and both are open source.
In Warzone 2100, you have to collect resources and build buildings in order to survive. You can choose to use any combination of weapons, including flamethrowers, machine guns, and satellite lasers. You'll also need to create and upgrade units, including VTOLs, rocket launchers, and more. You'll be able to play up to eight players simultaneously, and the game is available for both Windows and Mac.
As with most RTS games, there are several ways to play the game. You can choose from a number of units, and you can even design your own vehicles. In addition to the numerous ways to play, the game's tech tree makes it very challenging to balance your resources. You can customize the look and feel of your units by selecting different materials and modifying their appearance. This gives you more freedom in the game and helps you build your own unique units.